So, I thought you might like to know what one of my days looks like. I won't say a typical day because wrestling is just 1 of 5 projects that I give my time to.
Okay, actually it's anywhere between 7.15 and and 8.45 depending on how late I stayed up... I usually wake up without an alarm but have it set for 8.30am juuuust in case!
Send a tweet. Roll out of bed, get my dumbells out, remember the cat wants feeding, fire up Nike Training Club, connect to the TV and it's half an hour of HIIT to start the day.
This is where most of your lovely workout pics come from. I don't tend to change so it's normally in the underwear I went to sleep in, unless it's a high impact workout, in which case I'll put on a sports bra. Got a bit of a dodgy ankle at the moment so doing more high intensity, low impact stuff.
I'll usually then eat (2 boiled eggs most mornings), shower, make myself a cup of tea (decaff - I've been off the caffeine for over a year now and it makes SUCH a difference. No more morning Zombie!) and write out a MUST / SHOULD / COULD list of things I need to do for the day.
I had a big work event the night before, so today it's doing all the admin that goes with that. Set up a debrief call with my colleagues, crunch some numbers, write thank you emails and write a list of things I need to get done this week for this project and allocate various times for it.
I bought a new school girl outfit awhile ago but never worn it so I put it on to check that it fits and there's no point changing right? It seems fine, but it's new and I don't trust some of the stitching so I reinforce with a few staples! Grab another school girl outfit just in case!

I think my twitter caption for this photo was something like, 'off to school to teach someone a lesson!'
Feeling sexy so I grab a nice cleavage shot too!

Boobs are great
12 noon
Remember I need to eat lunch. today it's brown pasta with salmon and around 5 veg blended in the Vitamix for 30 seconds and fried. (I LOVE my Vitamix, please send through any recipes you love.)
Keys. Wallet. Phone.
Headphones or book? Book today I think, nearly finished Bone Clocks and I'm looking forward to the last chapter because the big climax has happened but there's a lot of book left. David Mitchell is an accomplished writer so he should know not to linger after the climax so there must be something interesting still about to happen...
Grab bag with outfits in I prepared the day before and.... yep, got Pete the Skeleton.
Stroke the cat, check the back door is locked. Head out.
Realise I've forgotten my umbrella but it will be fiiiiine right?
Grab a mocha, I decide to walk out of my way to go to the local one rather than Starbucks, kinda don't want to take the diversion but my new year's resolution is to make new habits where I spend money more ethically. Caffeinated because last night's event was tiring and I enjoy having a kick in my system for a session. (Did I mention I was a hypocrite? I actually have a lot of Opinions about how to form new habits and give up old ones, feel free to ask if you're interested.)
Have a really lovely session with a really lovely opponent. I love how nice the people on the scene are, it really makes my day to do something that I love at a studio that's run well where I'm respected and with opponents that are just the best. Loads of face sitting and scissors. this is my second face-sitting dominated session of the week so I'm feeling very yummy and powerful today.

I think I was holding him close while I body scissored the life out of him.
Yes, the school girl outfit did NOT work out so there was as quick wardrobe change. Lucky guy, two outfits for the price of one!
Put a note in my diary to put it up for sale on my Ko‑fi page and get another one.
Check I have everything, let the photographer and MUA know I'm on my way and running to time. Get back into Bone Clocks and enjoy the new setting and the exploration of that, but I'm not quite sure where it's going yet...
I go to take a photo of an ad on the tube for cat food, but it's in selfie mode, and hey, I look cute, so I take a photo :p
I'm not usually a selfie person but being on social media for work I notice the habit's creeping in!

Space buns are back from the 90s baby!
I take many flights of stairs up which I prefer over the lift - free cardio - but slightly regret it when I turn up at the photographers door sweaty! Especially since while it's supposed to be autumn and I've dressed accordingly, but it's actually pretty warm out there...
@SpectralShooter is amazing to work with. Really down to earth and we have some common interests.
Funnily enough he thought I was taller - I get this a lot actually. I think it's my broad shoulders.
My body is actually very in proportion, depending on my diet and fitness I flux in and out of being a perfect hourglass. My shoulders however are a little broader and the distance between my shoulders and bust a little shorter - which makes fitting tops a total pig.
The fall out here is that he's dressed the space wonderfully - for someone half a foot taller!
I can balance on a chair where it's hard to adjust things so it's fiiiiine and we get some really interesting poses out of it too.
I've brought quite a range of things and we have a chat about what we both want out of the shoot.
I'm pressed for time, so we prioritise three looks, which I'll be releasing over the next month....

See the white branch? It's actually to cast shadow from the light you can see in the corner of this photo.

In this image I want to make you understand that I'm as deadly as I am sexy and you should look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

Twisting, turning, and tensing - I'm on the prowl and you're my prey.
We're getting on very well so we decide to do another shoot when we have a little less time pressure. We're both have an appreciation for theatrics so I don't think we'll run out of interesting compositions.
Jasmine our MUA fits in easily around our working environment. I chose her because of her Halloween shoot she posted on Facebook where she showed a flair for presenting female strength and beauty using bold colour choices. Her creative decisions are spot on first time and you can see what I mean our this costume choice.

Make-up by Cat Lady Jazzy
I'm out the door, let the partner I'm meeting tonight know I'm on my way, and will just about make it...
He meets me at the station, there's a West Ham game on so we get stuck in the crowd control and have to go back on ourselves....
But we make it to the Copper Box arena on time 10 minutes before the start of the London Lions Basketball match which appears to be plenty of time.
The Lions maintained their lead after the first quarter, but it wasn't always by a huge amount so it was an interesting game.

Pete the Skeleton keeps me company at the game.
During time-outs we read about how much teams get paid in the UK and it's really not good.
My partner's sausage roll is disappointing and the cider is a little too sweet. My hotdog, while tasty AF (it has ALL the dried onion, yes please!) leaves my stomach hurting on the walk back.
West Ham went to penalties so we get chucked out at the same time as them, and while what my partner calls The Hoarde is shouty, they aren't too louty so it's not too bad.
Double check my partner has fed the cat, give him lots of fusses (the cat, not my partner, but he gets those too). I whack on a podcast while I ablute. Today it's about Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, who is a BOSS and has totally been ignored - literally - she's been omitted from many accounts of the succession in the area, despite running the place amazingly while being loved by the people and keeping the area unified at a time when there are Viking attacks all over the shop (Seen Vikings anyone?) Probably because she's a woman.
I unbox and play about with my new (and first) set of Bluetooth headphones and set my sleep timer, snuggle under my weighted blanket, negotiate with the cat whose part of the bed is whose, and drift off to the sound of Æthelflæd being basically awesome in every way.
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Hope you have a happy Halloween! 💀